Basic Concepts

GigaWallet has been designed as a drop-in solution for anyone who needs to accept Dogecoin and respond in a timely manner when payment arrives.

From individual stores who need a Dogecoin checkout solution to global social media networks with millions of users recieving and sending each-other tips or payments, GigaWallet aims to be adaptable to each scenario. To achieve this aim we have some simple abstractions for managing payment:


An Account manages a Dogecoin HD wallet, which is used to sign transactions for outgoing payments, and create child-addresses for each Invoice issued.

Accounts are created using the POST /account Admin API, and require a foreignID from your system which will be used to address the account on further API calls.

Accounts have many Invoices which represent requests for payment, as well as a Balance which tracks current available Dogecoin and current pending incoming and outgoing transactions.

How you map Accounts to your system depends on your objective, you may have an account per user in the case of a Social Media platform, or if you are an entity with a number of clients you could choose to manage each with their own pay-to account.

You can read more about Accounts here.


Accounts are used to issue Invoices, which are a collection of Items with quantities and values. Items represent a line on the invoice and come in a number of types: item, tax, fee, shipping, discount, donation, etc.

An invoice is created using the POST /account/:foreignID/invoice Admin API and once created cannot be modified, GigaWallet is not a shopping-cart system and if you want users to be able to add/remove items that should happen on your side before an Invoice is issued.

Invoices provide payment URLs, QRCodes and DogeConnect JSON Payloads via the Public API which can be used by your front-end to provide convenience payment options for your users.

You can read more about Invoices here.

Dogecoin Connect

Public API

Admin API