

GigaWallet is intentionally easy to compile and run, weather you are looking to build from source or via containers, we've got you covered.

Golang compiler

To build from source you will need the Golang compiler installed. Head on over to and grab a copy for your local environment.

Dogecoin Core Node

GigaWallet currently depends on a co-located instance of the Dogecoin Core Node project, we recommend building this without the wallet / QT features, and with the RPC APIs.

⚠️ Important: Gigawallet trusts the Core Node to provide accurate blockchain data; for this reason is critically important to use a Core Node that you fully trust. It's safest to host the Core Node yourself.

If you would like to build this yourself or download binaries you can grab these at,

alternatively if you're happy with containers or packages try the NixOS or Docker deployment methods.

⚠️ Note: Running a full core node requires a significant amount of disk to contain the entire Dogecoin blockchain (140Gb as at March 2024), as well as a moderate amound of bandwidth.

Building from source

Install some dependencies required to build Gigawallet:

  • GCC compiler toolchain (for cgo i.e. Go-to-C linking; only GCC is supported!)
  • zeroMQ version 4 – docs wiki
  • SQLite 3 – docs
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev build-essential pkg-config

On Windows: you can use WSL to install these tools, and build Gigawallet from inside the WSL environment (you can access windows drives via /mnt/c etc.) Alternatively there is MSYS2 which provides a GCC build environment without using WSL.

On Mac: you can use Homebrew: brew install zmq pkg-config – note that sqlite3 is pre-installed on modern macs. You can brew install git if necessary.

Building Gigawallet

Check out the project from Github and run make

> git clone

> cd gigawallet
> make

This will create a gigawallet binary in /build/.

gigawallet has several subcommands:

  • ./gigawallet server starts the server running.
  • ./gigawallet printconf will dump out the config structure and exit.
  • ./gigawallet setsyncheight <height> will rewind the entire db and begin re-indexing from core, you probably don't need this.. probably.

⚠️ Note: Developer Shortcut If you are developing in the repository you can simply run make dev which will stand-up the server using the devconf.toml file. VS Code debugger also works.


Config file location

By default the gigawallet command will look for a config.toml file in one of:


The name of the config file can be changed by providing the GIGA_ENV environment variable. This allows you to operate several different config files and switch between them, for instance if you have:


You could switch between them with GIGA_ENV=production gigawallet <subcommands>.

Eaxample config

There is an exmaple config file which is kept current with the software in the repo which you can use as a starting point.

Configure API ports

Gigawallet exposes two REST APIs:

  • Admin API which provides sensitive, internal functionality which is called from your own backend services, and must be protected behind a firewall.

  • Public API which provides web-facing routes for your front-end calls, for fetching Invoice data, QR codes for payments, and the Doge Connect protocol endpoints. We recommend this sit behind your load-balancer/proxy and be routed to as required for your needs.

pubapirooturl is used internally when generating Doge Connect payloads to allow clients to submit payments back to Gigawallet for processing.

  adminbind = "localhost"
  adminport = "8081"
  pubbind = "localhost"
  pubport = "8082"
  pubapirooturl = ""

Configure the data store

Gigawallet currently operates using SQLite or PostgreSQL databases. We recommend using sqlite for development / local testing, and PostgreSQL for production. Also note that you can easily extend Gigawallet for different databases, see Extending.

Running with sqlite (default)

  DBFile = "gigawallet.db"

Running with PostgreSQL

  DBFile = "postgres://username:password@localhost/gigawallet?sslmode=disable"

Currently Gigawallet PostgreSQL requires full permissions to create tables / indexes which is an unfortunate side-effect of our sqlite-first development, this will be changed in the future, however for now here is a quick-start for setting up a new DB:

-- create a database, you can call it whatever you like.

-- create a user, pick a better password than this!
CREATE USER gigawallet WITH PASSWORD 'up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-b-a-start';

-- set the database owner and grant permissions
ALTER DATABASE gigawallet OWNER TO gigawallet;
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE gigawallet TO gigawallet;

As mentioned above, Gigawallet will create all tables it needs on first run.

Configuring Core access

As mentioned above, Gigawallet is currently designed to co-locate with a Core instance for communicating with the Dogecoin L1 network.

You can create as many [dogecoind.nnnnn] sections as you like to represent access to various Core instances you may have, which gets used is determined by the value.

  network = "mainnet"  # which dogecoind to connect to

  host    = ""
  zmqport = 28332
  rpcport = 44555
  rpcpass = "gigawallet"
  rpcuser = "gigawallet"

  host    = ""
  zmqport = 28332
  rpchost = ""
  rpcport = 22555
  rpcpass = "gigawallet"
  rpcuser = "gigawallet"

Configuring Loggers

Gigawallet can create as many loggers as you like, these log events that cross the [internal event-bus]. Events have a type which is one of:

  • SYS - System messages & errors.
  • ACC - Account events.
  • INV - Invoice events.
  • NET - Network (L1) events.
  • ALL - Synthetic type which catches all of the above.

Loggers are specified as a list of types and a path:

  path = "./events.log"
  types = ["ALL"]

  path = "./system.log"
  types = ["SYS"]

Configuring HTTP Callbacks

Callbacks or 'webhooks' are URLs which you can configure to recieve HTTP POST requests containing JSON-encoded event bodies. This can be used by your system to respond to events such as invoice paid etc.

To configure callbacks, provide a path and a type of event you'd like (see Loggers for a list)

  path = ""
  types = ["INV"]

Configuring MQTT topics

If http callbacks are not your thing, you can send events to an MQTT compatible message service. Firstly use the [mqtt] block to configure the server you'd like to connect to, then set up one or more [mqtt.queues.*] blocks with a topicfilter and types of events to send.

  address = ""
  username = "rw"
  password = "readwrite"
  clientid = "gigawallet"

  topicfilter = "account"
  Types = ["ACC"]

Running with NixOS


Running with Docker